Human manipulation segmentation and characterization based on instantaneous work


This paper is related to the observation of human operator manipulating objects for teaching a robot to reproduce the action. Assuming the robotic system is equipped with basic manipulation skills, we focus here on the automatic segmentation of the observed manipulation, for extracting the relevant key frames in which the manipulation is best described. The segmentation method proposed is based on the instantaneous work, and presents the advantage of not depending on the force and pose sensing locations. The experimentations concern two different manipulation skills, sliding and folding. We demonstrate in different settings that such segmentation method is efficient.

Fourth Iberian Robotics, ROBOT'2019

Supported by the Elkartek MALGUROB and the SARAFun project under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research & innovation programme, grant agree- ment No. 644938.

Support material:

In this paper we show how to segment human manipulation observations using the instantaneous work. In the experimentation, we consider an insertion assembling (involving a sliding motion followed by a folding), and a folding operation (inserting a phone motherboard into the phone case). The two following videos illustrate the human operation.

Insertion experiment as described in the article.

Folding experiment as described in the article.
