The objective of the European project ROSIN is to promote the use of ROS and ROS Industrial by the industrial community. The barriers that may slow down the deployment of ROS in industrial applications are considered to be:

  • the lack of knowledge of the ROS ecosystem
  • the lack of coverage of the industrial needs by the material available in the ROS packages
  • a concern on the quality of the development under ROS

To mitigate these barriers, the ROSIN consortium is moving forward the following actions:

  • the generation of educational material
  • the development of tools for checking and improving the code quality
  • the funding of development of ROS components aligned with industrial concerns.

Educational material:

The consortium is generating several educational materials to help students and workers discovering ROS or improving their knowledge in ROS. In that context, ROSIN has been generating ROS-I Schools, ROS-I MOOC and ROS-I Academies.

In that context, from Tecnalia we have mounted one week training on ROS, opened to clients willing to discover the principles of ROS. We will also propose a second training week during October 2019.

Note that some funding opportunities are also available for supporting entities creating training activities on ROS (more information here).

Tools for High Quality code:

Several actions have been conducted for promoting the importance of High Quality code development. The consortium as for instance created a ROS QA (quality Assurance) working group, to identify the needed actions to improve ROS development quality and raise awareness among the community.

The consortium has also developed several software for helping the community in improving or verifying their quality.

In that context, we have developed a ROS package generator, which enables creating whole package and node structure, based on templates available, and on the desired interface. Best ROS programming practices can be embedded into the package and nodes templates, and the developer only has to focus on his added value, that is the implementation of the core logic (all the ROS interface and node life cycle being generated and managed by the code generated).

The code is available on Github, and more details can be found in the paper published at ICINCO'19.

Funding opportunities:

ROSIN is proposing some funds for supporting development of software that could support the spreading of ROS in the Industrial Community. Funds are also available for supporting Educational initiatives, being for students or professionals.

Anthony Remazeilles
Anthony Remazeilles
Senior researcher

Interested in any application involving Human Robot interaction, software architecture or ROS.